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[Group work] Proposal for St. Ives Sheet Mask

2-month Communication Plan for St. Ives Moisturizing Sheet Mask. Primary target: 18 – 25 y.o. with beauty philosophy are: Bold, Imperfection, Instagrammable.
Achievement: Best proposal among 6 groups in #RTA Workshop 03.

Note: This is a group work so I only put some highlight things that I DID in this proposal. I don’t mention others’ group members’ work.

Researched the market overview, competitors, brand positioning. (worked with 1 teammate)

Detailed analyzed target audience: portrait, concerns, behavior. (worked with 1 teammate)

Concluded the potential insight that comes from the Self-expression motivation:

“I want to discover my natural beauty with healthy skin so that I can confidently express my own identity (with our without makeup) to glow up on my stage.”

(worked with 1 teammate)

Came up with a big idea that can solve our target audience’s insight.

Glow your nature!

Nature: not just a feature of environment.

Nature: also the unique and inherent character.

It is also a unique identity. But not all of us dare to glow our own natural things. We all want to be free with our personality, confidently shine with our unique, imperfect, distinctive beauty.

From the big idea, I planned a campaign framework with 3 phases:

1. #Naturing - Mình tự nhiên thế nào? -> Raise awareness. 2. #Glowing - Mình đã bừng sáng ra sao? -> Communicate and engage closely with TA as a friend 3. #Shining - Và giờ mình tự tin tỏa sáng! -> Inspire TA use St.Ives and shine their unique beauty


1 – #Naturing - Mình tự nhiên thế nào?

- Create 3 comic character represent for 3 types of masks
- Main content: Educate & engage with TA through practical and funny, trendy contents

2 – #Glowing - Mình đã bừng sáng ra sao?

Microsite: Take a Tarot card naturally, receive a message for you (Bốc quẻ tự nhiên, chọn lá glowing)

3 – #Shining - Và giờ mình tự tin tỏa sáng!

- MV Shine Your Nature
- Content: Daily life of 4 friends at home in a vlog.


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